News — photography
Zoom Or Prime? A Lens Discussion
Lens newsletter photography Prime Lens Zoom Lens

A question that arises regularly when out photographing, at markets, online, etc., is: 'What lens did you use to shoot that image?' Lenses, a subject that is discussed daily by photographers. In my opinion, lenses should be the biggest investment you make in your gear. An excellent lens will last you a lifetime (bar any accidental damage), and will most likely find itself seated on a number of camera bodies over the years. I'd use a mediocre camera with a great lens over a great camera with a mediocre lens any day of the week. Make no mistake, a...
Folkestone Favours the Bold
aerial photography coast dawn DJI drone Folkestone newsletter photography sunrise

Folkestone Favours The Bold (Or, A Lucky Sunrise) I regularly wake up before dawn, look out the window, and decide if it's worth heading out to capture the sunrise, or it's better to just go back to bed. Sometimes I take a chance, grab the camera bag, and head down to the beach and hope for the best. Quite often the sunrise is great, but not quite what I'm looking for. This time is never wasted though, as I often meet other photographers, and have a bit of a laugh. It's a great way to start the day. A couple...
The Isle that isn't an Island
aerial photography Broadstairs coast dawn DJI drone Margate newsletter photography Ramsgate Thanet

Sunrises and sunsets on our visit to Thanet. The Isle of Thanet Sunrises and sunsets on the Isle that isn't an island 'The Isle of Thanet? But it's not an island', was my first thought upon hearing the name. Now a peninsula forming the easternmost part...
An Early Photographic Visit to Rochester
aerial photography coast dawn Deal drone newsletter photography Rochester

A visit to Rochester An early morning visit to Rochester and the River Medway I'll not lie, to be up at 3.30am to make it in time for the blue hour before dawn was a struggle, but well worth it when I sent the drone up to capture the light of the rising sun. I couldn't have asked for better conditions: soft clouds, pastel colours, and most importantly, no wind. The River Medway snaking under Rochester Bridge gave me the water element I love to photograph. Its natural boundary perfectly frames the historic town of Rochester, with its imposing Norman...